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Dormice that Spend Half their Life Sleeping

Dormice that Spend Half their Life Sleeping

Perhaps the way dormice survive is to “lie down”, wake up to eat and sleep when they are stuffed.

2022-02-16 dormouse

Do You Understand the X at the End of the ID Card Number?

Do You Understand the X at the End of the ID Card Number?

Don't you think this algorithm wonderful?

2022-01-20 ID,Card

Does Your Cat Know Itself in the Mirror?

Does Your Cat Know Itself in the Mirror?

Failing in the mirror test doesn't mean the animal doesn't have self-awareness.

2022-01-07 Mirror,Test

Puppets and Dolls at Home Sometimes Make People Frightened Unexplainably!

Puppets and Dolls at Home Sometimes Make People Frightened Unexplainably!

The deep learning of artificial intelligence and the technical breakthrough of rendering engine make virtual characters get closer and closer to real mankind.

2021-12-30 uncanny,valley

After Mobile Phone Bacteria are Cultured for 72 Hours, You May Undergo Trypophobia

After Mobile Phone Bacteria are Cultured for 72 Hours, You May Undergo Tryp...

According to a 72-hour colony culture and comparison, there were even more colonies on the mobile phone than on the closestool!

2021-12-20 Bacteria