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双语:Men produce more antibodies and could hold key to coronavirus fight, research finds  研究:男性患新冠肺炎后产生更多抗体

双语:Men produce more antibodies and could hold key to coronavirus fight, ...

After infection with the new coronavirus, men usually produce more antibodies than women, because men are more likely to develop severe.

2020-07-08 New,coronavirus,antibody

双语:Does 'mommy brain' last? Study shows motherhood does not diminish attention  “一孕傻三年”?研究显示女性当妈后不会“变傻”

双语:Does 'mommy brain' last? Study shows motherhood does not diminish att...

"Mummy brain" may be a cultural phenomenon. When a mother feels stressed, overburdened and unsupported, she feels most upset and forgetful.

2020-07-08 Three,years,of,pregnancy

双语:Scientists investigate cases of post-Covid-19 fatigue  新冠肺炎痊愈后会出现疲劳感?科学家正在调查中

双语:Scientists investigate cases of post-Covid-19 fatigue 新冠肺炎痊愈后...

The new coronavirus has left a long-term effect on some people, feeling like postviral fatigue syndrome.

2020-07-08 novel,coronavirus

双语:Repetitive negative thinking linked to dementia risk 别丧了!研究发现长期的消极思维会增大痴呆风险

双语:Repetitive negative thinking linked to dementia risk 别丧了!研究发现...

Repeated negative thinking may lead to cognitive decline and the deposition of harmful brain proteins related to Alzheimer's disease.

2020-06-24 popular,science,knowledge

双语:Pandemics result from destruction of nature, say UN and WHO联合国&世卫组织:大流行病是人类破坏自然的结果

双语:Pandemics result from destruction of nature, say UN and WHO联合国&世...

The novel coronavirus pneumonia and other pandemic diseases are the result of human destruction of nature. For decades, the world has been ignoring this naked reality.

2020-06-24 novel,coronavirus