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What is Acrophobia about?

What is Acrophobia about?

For most people, acrophobes are people who are very afraid as soon as they stand on high places.

2021-12-10 Acrophobia

Why Do Most Living Things Only Have Two Eyes

Why Do Most Living Things Only Have Two Eyes

The phylum Chordata, in contrast, has approximately 66,000 species. The difference in quantity is so big that perhaps we should say “most animals are not two-eyed.”

2021-11-26 Eye

A Picture can Test Whether You are Truly Face Blind or Socially Blind

A Picture can Test Whether You are Truly Face Blind or Socially Blind

Are you clear about face blindness now?

2021-11-19 Face,Blind

Parasites Can also Be Parasitized

Parasites Can also Be Parasitized

As for medical treatment, many bacteriophages are able to control the proliferation of bacteria.

2021-11-10 Hyperparasitism

Why Are Some People Depressed in Autumn?

Why Are Some People Depressed in Autumn?

What is “Autumn Melancholia” about?

2021-10-02 autumn,melancholia